LogicAide develops custom design and turnkey solution software for businesses that want to harness the power of new technologies and better the lives of their employees and stakeholders. These software programs are developed by our engineers in the United States and supported by a team that is passionate about solving problems and taking new knowledge home at the end of each workday. Our team greatly values the energy and investment that our clients put into the digital transformation of their businesses and pulls out all the stops to make every little bit of it count.
Software Development Services
Programming Capabilities
Our development team comprises full-stack developers, mobile developers, software developers, and other experts with a very diverse set of skills. This experienced and energetic team is capable of getting any software project completed comfortably. To achieve our project goals, LogicAide engineers employ several programming languages, programming concepts, scripting languages, frameworks, and development platforms including Python, Java, Swift, Objective C, JavaScript, C#, SQL, PHP, Elm, C++, TypeScript, Unity, Scala, Go, Ruby, Rust, Ajax, Entity, Vue js, React js, Angular, Linq, Android, and IOS. Furthermore, we utilize several development environments such as Visual Studio, Android Studio, Eclipse, Arduino IDE, VS Code, and Xcode. At LogicAide, we continuously strive to improve our technical capabilities and stay up to date with cutting-edge technology to deliver the best possible service for our clients.
Graphics and Interface Design
Every client’s software project at LogicAide is valued as one of our own. With this intention, we take every possible measure to provide an excellent experience for our software users. Therefore, creating an outstanding user interface and user experience (UI/UX) lies at the heart of every project we touch. We employ the most recent techniques in our UI design to create clear, intuitive, and flexible interfaces. In addition, we build a robust visual hierarchy of software functions that guides the users through different levels of the process flow. Our custom website UIs are also designed to meet WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Content) requirements and provide the best possible accessibility for users with significant mobility or hearing problems.
Our UX design begins with understanding our clients’ business model, and how they can maximize their benefits from the software. Then, our UX design team maps the hierarchy and inter-relations between different functions of the software. With this information, we develop a user experience that minimizes the knowledge gap between new software users and the provider business that is the most familiar with it. In other words, usability is the key to all of our UX designs, and they provide users with a lot of feedback for their actions as well as confirmation or help messages.
LogicAide’s UI/UX designers exploit fundamental graphic design techniques to create an exceptional user experience. We employ the law of proximity and uniform connectedness in conjunction with negative spaces to better guide the users through the process funnel. Furthermore, visual grammar and typography rules sit at the core of our designs to build visual communication with the users. Our experience proves that users find it much easier to connect with lively designs that better connect to their persona. With this in mind, our software’s UI/UX is designed to engage with the users emotionally based on the nature of our client’s business.
Brand Consistency and Marketing
Our software design team follows the marketing strategy of our clients in every step of their work. We diligently utilize visual and verbal cues that help promote your brand and engage with your software users. In fact, we believe that our custom software should be a differentiating factor for their business. To that end, we utilize the expertise of our digital marketing team to turn our custom software into a tool that resonates the client company’s message with its users. When working with LogicAide to develop custom software, you can also receive ideas and designs to turn the project into new opportunities for generating new leads, promoting products, and increasing sales.

Web Portal

Custom Website Development

Custom Software Development

Cloud And Network Services

Engineering And Automation Software

Mobile Application Development